Monday, January 23, 2012

Be Mine Alpha Freebie

This morning, we had some terrible weather...I woke up to it around 3:30 when I was checking on
my youngest son, Joshua. He is 11 months and is teething again. He now has 8 teeth, and is not
happy about 3 of them coming in at the same time....poor thing. And on top of that, my 6 year old
son awoke last night to what sounded like the whooping cough. I am praying that he will have
a quick recovery from whatever he has, and that the little one's teeth will hurry and break through
 and the  pain will subside. In the meantime, I was able to make a small Be Mine Alpha to go with
the Be Mine Mini Kit series while Joshua is napping, and Ethan is watching his favorite cartoon,
Kippur. I hope you enjoy it and pray that you will all have a positive blessed day today!

Sorry, download expired.

1 comment:

  1. Love the alpha! Thanks. Hope your kids are feeling better.
